7 Secrets of Vishnu

Book Title: 7 Secrets of Vishnu
Author: Devdutt Pattanaik
My Review Rating: 5/5
Date: 11-Jan-2021

I have been an avid mythology fan and even though being a practicing Hindu I’m aware about the various mythological stories and characters but does not have the deeper meaning behind all those stories and characters/symbols since these have been passed on by generations to us and have been followed assiduously without any questions. I’m sure many of you will agree with me on this! ;). Of late, I have been reading the author’s work for quite a while (7 Secrets of Shiva, Myth = Mithya, 7 Secrets of Shiva) and this book surely does not disappoint either. As is with his other works the author has done a comprehensive research and takes us through the various avatars assumed by Lord Vishnu on Earth. The book is divided into seven chapters, each corresponding to seven of the several avatars (reincarnations) of Vishnu viz. Mohini, Matsya, Kurma, Trivikrama, Ram, Krishna and Kalki in which each one helps us in understanding key concepts and in delving into the mysteries of the Lord Divine. Furthermore, each page has illustration on its left side and lucid description on the right which makes it more interesting. Needless to say the book is written in a very simple language and is a great book for anyone who likes mythology.

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